Published on November 16, 2003 By LongIslandTee In Welcome
Favourite Quote:

I've had an ex k (the ex) he said this to me when we were going through a rough patch in our friendship and it just made me feel so much better.

" It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget
someone." Send this to everyone you will never forget.

another quote is:
it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all.

Anomymous ( why because i don't know who wrote it) LOL.

// posted by Tina @ 4:07 PM
A little about me:

Likes: strawberries, slow kisses, thunderstorms, purple, music, magazines, vodka (when i drink), nachos, a good pair of jeans, highlights, waterfalls, interior design, home improvement shows ie. trading spaces, while you were out, family, technology, city life, culture, t.v, love, passion, Longisland tea's, tequila, dancing, t-shirts,

Dislikes: peach, yellow, negativity, pain, migraines, debt, olives, onions, winter, not being able to drive, controlling people, white bread,

to be contd. getting sleepy time for bed

// posted by Tina @ 2:18 AM
Why is that although your totally over your ex in every way shape and form and he's moved on to, as i mentioned engaged.
That you still find yourself googling for his name and seeing if he still lives where he did when you ended things? Just a general question not doing it, LOL

Yeah right i find my self guilty of doing this sin, i still look into his whereabouts. i want to know what he is doing in his life, i guess it's because we were friends before we dated and after we dated we remained friends.

It's hard to let go of a thing like that, don't get me wrong i know that there is no chance in hell of us ever getting back together again. It's just i still care about him probably always will. There i said it!!! See what happens when you type so late in the evening you start getting to the heart of the matter in your life. you find out where you really are emotionally.

I thought i got over this i'm not going to feel guilty about caring, i am looking up all my old friends not just him. It's just that i wonder how i let go of these peoples the people that i went through so much shit with. I know why it got awkward to hang with them because they were friends with the ex. I move alot you name things happen. It's been almost 8 yrs since i graduated highschool ( man has it been that long ) so it's to be expected that i lost touch with my * bestfriends *.

Since then i haven't really developed any really close relationships with ppls probably because i have moved alot over the last couple of years. i mean i could probably say i have a lot of acquaintances all over the country and even some overseas but no one i can call up in the middle of the night and spill my guts out. You know what i mean. I really miss having that kind of friendship.

It's hard to have that once you become older, people become more preoccupied with life, have families, careers. i mean i moved home because of circumstances and since then i have no social life everyone where i live has known eachother since birth not an easy circle to break. Understand i have friends at work that i tell stuff to but not those deep friendships you develop in highschool and college. Oh well i'm young i'm sure i will get some friends sooner or later ....

// posted by Tina @ 2:04 AM
Friday, November 14, 2003
Nov 14, 2003

K new thoughts came to my mind, I had others saved them as a draft but now they are gone so I will start new. Anyways do you ever get the feeling that what your parents have been telling you for years is true? That all guys really are interested in is Sex!! I tell you I thought I was striking up some great relationships with potential and all they seem to be is interested in meeting me right away and hooking up, what happened to build up why does everyone want to get to the nitty gritty without even going through the channels so to say you know what I mean. The getting to know you stage.

Pathetic I would go into more detail but unfortunately although this is a brief look into the going on in my brain I can't process all thoughts online in case family might see. Hell who cares I won't give it to family LOL it's my journal who sees my journal.

I have to keep remembering that although there may be an audience reading this that this is my place to vent the stuff that's not coming out on paper.

I'm a big journaler, always have been. been journaling since I was in grade school mom taught me that I could always share me with me. If you get what I mean that my thoughts were my own and whatever I put in there is nobody business they were my feelings about what was going on in my life at the time.

// posted by Tina @ 1:04 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
LongIslandTee Adventures in Alcatraz and Beyond.

Nov 12, 2003

This the first entry in what I hope will be a long continuous process of learning for both me and you.
A little about myself well I'm a 26 year old woman who like others is still clue less as to where her life is going or where she would like it to go. I hope to enlighten myself with questions that I have yet to have answer, or asked myself as of yet.
I really don't know what to say I want to open my eyes to what is out there but yet here in the lovely place I call Alcatraz where the sidewalks roll up at 6 pm.

What else is there I work at a lovely job as a deli/bakery clerk. Bad for the pay good for the body, I'm getting so buff since I started there a year ago. I have muscles now, something I didn't have when I worked the lovely desk job for 7 or so years.

Love life non existing, haven't had a steady guy for close to 3 years now, the last one I had couldn't make his mind up between me and his other girlfriends. No seriously he cheated on everyone but me. I don't know why it took 8 years to figure that one out but I did now he's engaged to the girl he used to cheat on with me but hey whatever. I wish him all the happiness, no bitterness there eh!

What else is there to say. As you will find out I have a very dry sense of humor, I can be sarcastic and blunt sometimes it's good to be so honest and other times I wish I didn't shoot myself in the foot.

Speaking of life, the only one I seem to have at the moment is my work life and my family life oh and my internet life, you know the place where you can be what you've always wanted to be. Well as the days, weeks and months go on. You'll learn more about who and what I am all about.

Talk to tomorrow or who knows maybe I'll post again, that's the thing I will post as often as my little brain puts out thoughts.

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